January 25, 2011

Firefox, Chrome adding 'Do Not Track' tools

Firefox and Chrome
NEW YORK: The Firefox and Google Chrome web browsers are getting tools to help users block advertisers from collecting information about them.

Alex Fowler, a technology and privacy officer for Firefox maker Mozilla, said the "Do Not Track" tool will be the first in a series of steps designed to guard privacy. He didn't say when the tool will be available.

Google Chrome users can now download a browser plug-in that blocks advertisers - but only from ad networks that already let people decline personalised, targeted ads.

According to Google Inc, these include the top 15 advertising networks, as rated by the research group comScore, a group that includes AOL Inc, Yahoo! Inc and Google itself.

The next version of Microsoft Corp's Internet Explorer browser, which is still being developed, will include a similar feature, though people will have to create or find their own lists of sites they want to block.

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